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Learning objectives for
Interpersonal Skills
  • Team Management
    • Set goals and expectations in teams
    • Prepare a work plan
      • Delegate and divide responsibilities
    • Prepare, give, and receive feedback to enhance individual and team performance
  • Facilitation and Meeting Management
    • Prepare a meeting agenda
    • Facilitate a meeting
    • Prepare meeting minutes
  • Conflict Management
    • Recognize, choose, and apply appropriate conflict management strategies
  • Oral and Written Communication
    • Prepare and deliver clear, concise, and proofread business correspondence using standard business formats
      • Memo, email, agenda, minutes, and business letter
    • Create and deliver polished professional presentations utilizing appropriate elements of persuasion and information
  • Negotiation
    • Prepare opening, desired, and walk-away positions
    • Engage in one-on-one and team negotiations
  • Professionalism
    • Prepare and deliver concise personal introductions (e.g. an elevator speech)
    • Demonstrate appropriate dress consistent with a professional environment
    • Demonstrate appropriate conduct in a professional environment starting with the classroom (responsiveness, punctuality, courtesy, accountability, appropriateness, timeliness, and respect)
      • Attend class regularly
      • Arrive on time
      • Adhere to deadlines
  • Ethical Decision Making
    • Use ethics tests to screen contemplated decisions or actions