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Laurel Ridge Community College James Madison University
Below are some of the relevant courses I have completed at Lord Fairfax Community College (LFCC). Some course at LFCC required group work these courses are marked with an astrix (*)

This is not a complete list of completed relevant course work as syllabi for some courses completed are not available.

Principles of public speaking* Fall of 2010
Orientation to the IT Professions Summer of 2012
Internet and Network Foundations Summer of 2012
Database Fundamentals Fall of 2012
Network Attacks and Ethical Hacking Fall of 2012
Principles of Information Systems Spring of 2012
PL/SQL Programming Spring of 2013
Network Communication, Security, and Authentication Spring of 2013
Network Security, Firewalls, and VPNs Spring of 2013
Legal Topics in Network Security Spring of 2013

Below is a list of completed course work at James Madison University (JMU). A lot of courses at JMU required group work these courses are marked with an astrix (*).

Interpersonal Skills* Fall of 2013
Programming Fundamentals* Fall of 2013
Operating Systems and Server Administration Fall of 2014
Enterprise Architecture* Fall of 2014
Computer and Telecomm Networks Fall of 2014
Database Design and Applications* Fall of 2014
Intermediate Computer Programming* Fall of 2014
Computer Based Networking Spring 2018
Computer Security Management Spring 2018
Systems Analysis and Design* Spring 2018
Information Systems Development and Implementation* Spring 2018
Network Defense & Analysis Spring 2016
Cyber Security Strategy Spring 2016