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Learning objectives for
Operating Systems and Server Administration
  • Students will be able to describe and apply the primary functions of an operating system
    • file management
    • process management
    • memory management
    • hardware device management
  • Students will be able to describe the principles of layered systems and application architectures
    • OS architecture (kernel, standard call libraries, utility programs, user-interfaces, distributions)
    • Hardware architecture
      • CPU, RAM, BIOS, secondary storage, multi‐core processing
    • Application architecture
      • LAMP stack, Windows web‐server stack
    • Architecture applied to emerging technologies
      • virtualization and hypervisors
      • cloud computing
  • Students will be able to describe and apply systems administration principles and layered security in a multi‐user application server environment.
    • System Administration Principles
      • adding, updating and removing users and groups
      • troubleshooting
      • system configuration
      • analyzing system log files
      • backup and recovery
      • script files
      • vulnerabilities and patch management
  • Layered Security
    • root, sudo
    • security model applied to LAMP stack