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Learning objectives for
Enterprise Architecture
  • Students will understand the big picture of how IT fits in the business world and how IT business functions and processes are mapped into architectures and software solutions
    • Students will gain proficiency in a variety of modeling techniques, diagramming tools, as well as understanding, interpreting, and evaluating existing models.
    • Students will analyze business cases and produce conceptual solutions to the issues presented.
    • Students will use ethical practices for planning and decision making.
  • Students will plan, analyze, design, and model an information system to solve an organizational problem.
    • Students will model the physical architecture
    • Students will model the functional systems
    • Students will model the security controls
    • Students will create a business continuity plan
  • Students will become acclimatized to the CIS profession.
    • Students will learn how to use the JMU career planning office
    • Students will attend professional presentations
    • Students will learn how to present a solution to a CIS business problem