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Learning objectives for
Computer Security Management
  • Systems Security
    • Differentiate among various systems security threats.
    • Explain the security risks pertaining to system hardware and peripherals.
  • Access Control
    • Identify and apply industry best practices for access control methods.
    • Explain common access control models and the differences between each.
    • Organize users & computers into appropriate security groups & roles while distinguish between appropriate rights & privileges.
  • Assessments & Audits
    • Conduct risk assessments and implement risk mitigation.
    • Carry out vulnerability assessments using common tools.
    • Within the realm of vulnerability assessments, explain the proper use of penetration testing versus vulnerability scanning.
    • Use monitoring tools on systems and networks and detect security-related anomalies.
    • Compare and contrast various types of monitoring methodologies.
    • Execute proper logging procedures and evaluate the results.
    • Conduct periodic audits of system security settings.
  • Cryptography
    • Explain basic hashing concepts and map various algorithms to appropriate applications.
  • Organizational Security
    • Explain redundancy planning and its components.
    • Implement disaster recovery procedures.
    • Differentiate between and execute appropriate incident response procedures.
    • Identify and explain applicable legislation and organizational policies.
    • Explain the importance of environmental controls.
    • Explain the concept of and how to reduce the risks of social engineering.