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Learning objectives for
Systems Analysis and Design
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the systems development life cycle:
    • Explain the purpose of each of the four phases (planning, analysis, design, and implementation), the steps that are part of each phase, and the relationship between the phases.
    • Be able to determine the appropriate approach for a given project including selection of an overall methodology and the appropriate techniques and strategies within each phase.
    • Demonstrate an understanding of the professional and ethical responsibilities of systems analysts in a global environment.
  • Demonstrate proficiency in the techniques needed for a systems development project:
    • Demonstrate the ability to analyze a business problem, and identify and define the computing requirements appropriate to its solution.
    • Model a system using object-oriented techniques including activity diagrams, use case diagrams, use case descriptions, and sequence diagrams.
    • Sssess the feasibility of a systems development project.
    • Apply project management tools to a systems development project
  • Be able to work effectively in a team to perform systems analysis and design.
  • Communicate effectively (written and orally) with users about systems development projects and be able to serve as a liaison between the technical and business groups.