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Learning objectives for
Database Fundamentals:
  • Acquire an introduction to database concepts.
  • Understand the relational database model.
  • Understand the advantages of relational databases over flat files.
  • Recognize the components of a database.
  • Understand the importance of and distinguish between QBE (Query By Example) and SQL (Structured Query Language) approaches to database development.
  • Implement the concept of and advantages of normalization of database tables.
  • Understand referential integrity.
  • Understand database design methodology.
  • Recognize and understand the various functions of a DBMS (Database Management System).
  • Understand the role of database administration.
  • Understand a user’s database requirements.
  • Translate user requirements into a sound database design.
  • Understand basic security issues as related to database management.
In this course, the following VCCS General Education Outcomes are supported:
  • 2.1 discriminate among degrees of credibility, accuracy, and reliability of inferences drawn from given data.
  • 4.1 determine the nature and extent of the information needed.