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Learning objectives for
PL/SQL Programming
  • Create PL/SQL program blocks.
  • Identify and use appropriate programming constructs to fulfill application logic needs.
  • Manipulate database tables using PL/SQL programming.
  • Build error trapping facilities within PL/SQL programs
  • Create PL/SQL program units including: procedures, functions, triggers, and packages.
  • Use Oracle-supplied packages in PL/SQL program units.
  • Load data into Oracle tables from external files using the SQL*Loader utility.
  • Identify uses of dynamic SQL and object technology.
In this course, the following VCCS General Education Outcomes are supported:
  • Understand and interpret complex materials (#1.1)
  • Use problem solving skills (#2.6)
  • Evaluate information and its sources critically and incorporate selected information into his or her knowledge base (#4.3)