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Problem Solver
About Me
I was born and raised in Penn Hills Pennsylvania, a suburb of Pittsburgh. My family moved to Winchester Virginia (VA) in 1986. I graduated from John Handley High School (JHHS), located in Winchester in June 1994. I graduated from Lord Fairfax Community College (LFCC) in Middletown VA in May 2004 with a Network Engineering and a Programming / System Analysis Associates degree. I also earned a handful of other educational credentials including Internetworking (Cisco), Computer Technology and Network Engineering Career Study Certificates at LFCC. I graduated from James Madison University (JMU) in Harrisonburg VA in 2016 with a Bachelors of Business Administration in Computer Information Systems.

I love to work on computers and networks. It is my career as well as one of my hobbies. I maintain several computers and networks for family and friends. In my current position I administer computers, networks, servers and security cameras for several clients through my business. I have a home network, that even with the outdated hardware, would rival most small business' in the Winchester area. I expand when I have extra money.

I am a Peanuts fanatic, as a result all four of my dogs are named after Peanuts characters. For fun I enjoy playing chess, different types of solitaire, and a strategy game called Civilization as well as several games based on WW II. I also would love to have a nice model train set up. I enjoy learning as much as possible about US history especially World War II and The Revolutionary War. I also love and am amazed by astronomy and interested in geology.